The Challenge Day 28 - The Letter J part 2 - Jessi Jumps
Jessi Jumps
Jessi jumps through the day
And most of the night,
He jumps to the left
But never the right.
Jessi jumps way too high
And jumps really low,
He jumps really fast
And super, duper slow.
Jessi’s been jumping since
He was just 3 days old,
He’s been jumping and hoping,
Never being told.
Jessi loves it the most
When he can invent something new,
Something clever, and daring
Maybe with only one shoe.
Just last week
Jessi made a new jump,
A one footed, heel kicker,
With an added foot pump.
But there’s always been one,
That he’ll try here real soon,
It the biggest jump ever
A jump to the moon.
He’s been training, and training,
And training some more,
He’s going to attempt it
At quarter past four.
He’s stretched, and he’s studied,
There’s nothing else left,
But to try and get there
While holding his breath.
He squats down low
Almost to the floor,
Then springs up so fast
We see him no more.
Well he made it halfway
Between the Earth and the Moon,
But now he is stuck
Up in space until June.
Don’t worry though
He’ll be more than fine,
He’s training continually
And he’ll make it next time.