Challenge Day 54 - Space Day 24 - Marsians
There’s people on Mars,
I don’t know if you knew that.
They’re tall
And they’re strong,
And they love to play cricket.
Although we’ve been told
That Mars is all read,
It’s actually as colorful
As a rainbow,
With forests of gold.
The seas are all yellow,
With fish of all colors,
The mountains are short
And the hills gigantic,
The only thing red
Are the clouds overhead.
There are pools so clear,
You can see the whole bottom,
And others so dark,
There’s nothing but deep
And dark black.
I know what you’re thinking,
There have been pictures
And rovers
And plenty of things
That have shown what Mars looks like.
But the truth is,
The Marsians know,
That if they showed us the truth,
Everyone would do whatever
They could to go.
Marsians love their home,
And they love having guests,
But there’s only one problem,
Marsians are all completely
Allergic to humans.