Challenge Day 81 - Animal Day 20
Monkey Business
Monkeys may seem like
They all mess around,
But most monkeys aren’t like that,
And have their feet on the ground.
Zoo monkeys just play,
No care in the world,
While normal monkeys have jobs
With no feces to hurl.
You see monkey business
Was taken to describe monkeys playing,
But real monkey business
Is when monkeys are paying.
Monkeys are great at math
Science and reading,
They are great thinkers,
And their philosophers worth heading.
Monkeys have been to
The moon and back,
And monkeys have discovered
The lost island of Drack.
Monkey are bankers
And lawyers who sue,
They’re doctors, and mechanics,
And race car drivers too.
So next time you think
Hey monkeys just play,
Remember that monkey
Have a lot more to say.