Challenge Day 69 - Animal Day 8 - the lonely wolf cub
the lonely wolf cub
The lonely wolf cub
Is all alone,
No one is left
To call his own.
The day is long
And the nights are too,
There’s not much there
For him to do.
He used to be
Part of a large club,
But they’ve since left
He’s the only cub.
It’s getting late,
He should just go to sleep,
There’s no one to talk to,
Just his sleep sheep.
“Son, where are you?
Where have you been?
We been calling you name,
Since just after ten.”
“Dad, I’ve been here,
For three whole days.
Why didn’t you come sooner?
I thought you were on you way.”
“What are you saying?
It’s not been that long?
It’s been less than ten minutes,
Since you were gone.”
Well it felt like longer…”