Challenge Day 38 - Space Day 8 - The Moon is Late
The Moon is Late
It’s half past eight,
The moon is late.
I have a date,
This isn’t great.
I should be there,
I shouldn’t care,
How’s my hair?
The moon is where?
It’s not out back?
The night is black.
I’ll pack a snack,
In my backpack.
She’ll be here soon,
My sweet June,
But there is no moon,
For her to swoon.
Oh this is dumb,
I’m way too glum,
The moon will come,
Like a big white drum.
Up she drives,
I’m so alive,
We’ll leave here in five,
I hope this doesn’t nosedive.
“Hey there Pete.”
“Hey there my sweet.”
“Should we eat?”
“Pete, where’s the moon? Is it late?”
“I hadn’t noticed.”