Challenge Day 71 - Animal Day 10 - There are Quards in the Yard
There are Quards in the Yard
There are Quards in the Yard,
And Zanks in the trees.
The Wattles are swimming,
While the Prands chase the breeze.
The Hoffs are hopping
From one foot to the other.
And the Boffs are trying
To jump over one another.
Some Furtles are running
In a circle real tight.
Other Furtles are loping
All the way out of sight.
The giant Futtles hate
When they’re confused with Furtles.
And the mini Yotes
Are all racing on turtles.
The Vathes
Are all safe,
The Gares
Have no hair.
The Darfs
Just barfed
From the taste
Of dog waste.
And the Yonds
Are all blonde,
And rater fond,
Of the swans.
While the Tants
Use plants
To make pants
For ants.
All of this happened
Just last night,
While I was sleeping
Just out of sight.